Sapphire Enters the Outlands

Sunday, October 5th, 2008

After hearing Knifey talk of his first step through the Dark Portal to visit the Outlands, with its strange new creatures and otherworldly landscapes, I have been keen to see the new world for myself. Having explored most of Azeroth and defeated many of its deadliest denizens I feel prepared to face a greater challenge. […]

Knifey's Lockpicking Discovery

Tuesday, June 17th, 2008

Keys are for honest people, and Knifey has been happy to bypass as much security as possible. I've been helped by relieving suckers of their locked containers, found by picking their pockets, and unlocking them to raise my skill level. But there are only so many pockets to pick and locked containers to find, so […]

Blackrock Weekend

Tuesday, December 11th, 2007

Before patch 2.3, I, as my warrior Tiger, was lingering around wondering when I'd finally be able to rescue Marshall Windsor from his prison in Blackrock Depths when I realised that, being level 70 and all, I would be able to manage it with just a little bit of help. I'd tried it solo before, […]