Knifey's Outlandish Adventure

Tuesday, May 6th, 2008

Knifey's been taking it easy recently. The differing time-zones make teaming up with the rest of my party difficult and, after learning the lesson the hard way before, I don't want to get ahead of my friends so that we can't team up. There is also a certain ennui settling over me when playing solo, […]

Knifey Reaches 50

Sunday, March 23rd, 2008

Knifey the rogue hit the 50 mark recently, and it really doesn't seem like it took long at all. Well, okay, it was two months ago that he got his pony at 40, but having to spend a month without being able to play can really put a flat-spot in the levelling process. When Knifey […]

Knifey, the Mid-level Rogue

Sunday, December 30th, 2007

Knifey has been running around the familiar lands of Westfall, Redridge Mountains, and Duskwood, trying his best to gain as much experience as needed to catch up with my friends. With some excellent help from Azrail on how to stab effectively I was able to knife my way through level after level. A run through […]

Knifey the Low-level Rogue

Monday, December 17th, 2007

A new face appeared in the World of Warcraft, in the realm of Draenor. Knifey, the gnome rogue, joins his friends in the quest to be a hero. Picking up a kitchen knife I set off to start stabbing monsters in a brave tale of nominative determinism. After stabbing some wolves and getting the meat […]

Absolute Power

Wednesday, October 10th, 2007

After our battle with the pirates we spend a restful couple of weeks in the city, taking each day as it comes. Ann-See wonders if during this quiet time she finds out anything when she returns to her day job at the baths. 'You didn't tell me you were going back to your job', says […]