The Clues Were All There

Thursday, April 9th, 2020

Within the troglodyte complex of caves, the party encounters the king of the troglodytes. The king is curiously more intelligent than the others and holds a brief conversation with the adventurers, stopped only when the party inevitably gets bored and starts attacking. After the fight, the adventurers take stock. 'From what the king said, I […]

Oops, I Did it Again

Thursday, April 2nd, 2020

'I fire my crossbow!' And misses, quite badly. 'Argh! This is why I cast spells!' <next round> 'I fire my crossbow!'

We're the Same, You and I

Thursday, April 2nd, 2020

The heroes delve deeper in to the troglodyte cave system, stumbling in to some brood mothers, who fight to protect their young. The adventurers fight back, claiming just to be defending themselves. 'I'm casting Burning Hands, which will catch these two troglodytes as well as set the straw on fire.' 'You realise that there are […]

Which is More Likely?

Wednesday, March 25th, 2020

Our adventurers are destined to be great heroes, and have been set three labours to complete. In setting out to re-light the fires of the legendary Mithral Forge, they stumble in to a troglodyte camp in connected cave system. As they fight with some of the troglodytes, the bard tries to improve their situation. 'I'm […]

Technical Difficulties

Thursday, March 19th, 2020

We move to Roll20 for our gaming sessions, for the obvious reasons, and in trying to get coordinated and up-and-running on new systems, run in to some technical teething issues. 'Can anyone hear me?', asks our bard, 'I can't hear you'. We can hear him, so we type that in the text channel. <Seirena is […]

Our Bard is Truly Wise

Monday, March 9th, 2020

'I think not having the sacrifice happen, causing the city to be razed and the population slaughtered, would be a bad thing.'

It's Not a Comfy Ride

Thursday, February 27th, 2020

'Bagsy I ride the Bone Dragon!' 'Do you hear yourself sometimes?'

Bardic Inspiration

Wednesday, February 19th, 2020

'I shall disengage, run away, and inspire our rogue!'