Knifey's Midsummer Madness

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008

Midsummer celebrations comes to Azeroth, and Knifey finds bonfires and fire jugglers everywhere he goes. Interested in why people are throwing fire everywhere I ask the fire juggler in Ironforge what is going on, and he offers to give me some flowers if I manage to throw some of my own fire around. I light […]

Knifey Wants a Ram

Monday, March 31st, 2008

Not much progress has been made along Knifey's XP bar this week, apart from a late run through Maraudon that garnered experience only for the latter half of the dungeon. Instead, with the old level cap of 60 approaching, thoughts of buying a swift steed are on my mind. Whilst it's true that a gnome […]