Sapphire Skills Up

Wednesday, August 27th, 2008

Having spent so much time trying to make the Night Elf faction happy I became fatigued with all that Azeroth had to offer. I had heard many tales from both Faust and Tiger about their adventures, and then young Knifey headed out in to the world to stab anything in sight. By the time I […]

Knifey's Lockpicking Discovery

Tuesday, June 17th, 2008

Keys are for honest people, and Knifey has been happy to bypass as much security as possible. I've been helped by relieving suckers of their locked containers, found by picking their pockets, and unlocking them to raise my skill level. But there are only so many pockets to pick and locked containers to find, so […]

Master Engineer Knifey

Thursday, April 17th, 2008

I chose engineering as one of my professions for Knifey partly because gnomes get a racial boost to the skill but mostly because it was a tradeskill that I hadn't full explored before. Leatherworking may have been a better choice for being a rogue but I was tempted by all the neat gadgetry that engineers […]