Archive for April 3rd, 2014

Set References to 'Stun'

Thursday, April 3rd, 2014

We take our mission oath and are on our way to the watch station. 'What? Where are we?' Brother Gadriel, assault marine, pilot, perhaps should be paying more attention. 'We're in the pipe, five by five.' 'I'll fly casual. But not too casual.' 'Transmit Ride of the Valkyries on all frequencies.' 'I'd be okay with […]

Have You Tried Turning it Off and On Again?

Thursday, April 3rd, 2014

We have a new kill team and a new mission. A watch station has gone quiet, a watch station that was recently visited by the Mortis Thule space hulk. It is suspected that the orks that we briefly monitored whilst on the hulk disembarked and have attacked. Our mission is to investigate the watch station, […]