Archive for August 2nd, 2012

Missing the Ranger

Thursday, August 2nd, 2012

We couldn't harm the swarm directly, nor the sphere of force, but dispelling the sphere released the cleric and bats, and a deft use of the calm emotions spell removed the aggressive tendencies of the swarm so that it dispersed harmlessly. We need to be more aware of traps. More traps are avoided on our […]

Hamster Ball of Death

Thursday, August 2nd, 2012

We deftly enter the grounds of Delvehaven by vaulting the meagre wall surrounding it, avoiding any wards or traps placed on the long-barred gate. We're not so lucky in avoiding a trap on the path leading to the main door, though. A spark of light alerts our paladin as he steps on a flagstone, letting […]

Respect at the Gaming Table

Thursday, August 2nd, 2012

Delvehaven. Our current destination is the Pathfinder lodge that has been sealed by the local government and protected by wards. But our party has found information about those wards and the dangers within, and we are ready to enter the lodge and discover the secrets of the shadowbeasts. But something feels different. Of course, 'we've […]