Archive for the 'World of Warcraft' Category

Sapphire Skills Up

Wednesday, August 27th, 2008

Having spent so much time trying to make the Night Elf faction happy I became fatigued with all that Azeroth had to offer. I had heard many tales from both Faust and Tiger about their adventures, and then young Knifey headed out in to the world to stab anything in sight. By the time I […]

Knifey Enters the Battlegrounds

Monday, August 25th, 2008

Sapphire told me of her recent attempts to push back the Horde in Arathi Basin, picking up a tabard commemorating the Spirit of Competition for her efforts. With her being a protection-based warrior and me a blade-wielding stealthy rogue, I thought I'd be better able to do my bit against the Horde threat in battlegrounds. […]

Sapphire Becomes Exalted With Darnassus

Tuesday, August 19th, 2008

Although there is something regal about riding atop an elephant, it didn't appeal to me, particularly when compared to a ram or big cat. With my friend Knifey getting himself a pony and a ram, I decided to go for the big cat, which meant raising my reputation with Darnassus until I was exalted. This […]

The Joy of Fishing

Monday, August 4th, 2008

Sapphire, my warrior with a tail, is in Stranglethorn Vale taking care of the pirate population when I spy some floating wreckage nearby. Fishing has never been a profession I've taken too much interest in, being rather too passive and not offering much direct reward. With each new character and the early fishing quests I […]

Knifey in Shattrath

Tuesday, July 29th, 2008

Knifey has been hanging around with all the cool Netherwing Drake-riding kids in Shattrath City, having moved on from Azeroth through the Dark Portal. I've been using the Scryer's inn as a resting place for now, mostly because the jump from the Scryer tier down to the upper city whilst painful can be survived. It's […]

Knifey's Midsummer Madness

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008

Midsummer celebrations comes to Azeroth, and Knifey finds bonfires and fire jugglers everywhere he goes. Interested in why people are throwing fire everywhere I ask the fire juggler in Ironforge what is going on, and he offers to give me some flowers if I manage to throw some of my own fire around. I light […]

Knifey's Lockpicking Discovery

Tuesday, June 17th, 2008

Keys are for honest people, and Knifey has been happy to bypass as much security as possible. I've been helped by relieving suckers of their locked containers, found by picking their pockets, and unlocking them to raise my skill level. But there are only so many pockets to pick and locked containers to find, so […]

Knifey's Ram Ready

Sunday, May 18th, 2008

Knifey has been trying to get exalted with Ironforge so he can get a swift riding ram. This is to replace his horse, for which he had to get exalted with Stormwind, because the swift horses aren't as appealing. All this so I don't have to ride a mechanostrider. I had run through all the […]

Knifey's Outlandish Adventure

Tuesday, May 6th, 2008

Knifey's been taking it easy recently. The differing time-zones make teaming up with the rest of my party difficult and, after learning the lesson the hard way before, I don't want to get ahead of my friends so that we can't team up. There is also a certain ennui settling over me when playing solo, […]

Knifey's New Hat

Friday, April 18th, 2008

Knifey has some thrilling new headgear! It's not Shadowcraft or anything fancy like that, but it surely must reduce any hostile character's ability to detect me near farms.