Emergency Looting

Thursday, November 11th, 2010

The acolytes have investigated the mystery disappearance of citizens in this sector, as well as the alarming re-appearance of one with bio-grafts and other heretical modifications. Their dealings have led them to the heart of the operation, although they still aren't sure quite what the final goal is. What they do know is that one […]

It is Your Destiny

Thursday, October 14th, 2010

The mutated bodysnatchers are almost despatched, which will leave only their unmutilated leader to deal with. But one more remains. Arlas drops his pistol to the ground and reaches in to his long overcoat to draw a shotgun, whipping the barrel around to point at the final bodysnatcher as he cocks the weapon dramatically. 'Dodge […]

On the Lookout

Thursday, September 23rd, 2010

Local investigations are gathering plenty of circumstantial evidence but nothing some of the acolytes consider concrete enough to start being more aggressive in their pursuit of information. Elza Constantine is going to pass some time in the local market buying shoes, whereas Cleric Lionus Vern thinks they should go back to the curiously feared Alms […]

What's in a Name?

Thursday, September 16th, 2010

Lionus leaves the Worker's Union with companion acolyte Garvel Wroth but no information, the pair of them making their way to where the other two members of their investigative team are pursuing a second lead. 'Sorry guys', Lionus apologises, 'I couldn't find out anything about John Arblast', conveniently forgetting to mention the failed 20 Throne […]
