Ultramarine Nob

Thursday, July 10th, 2014

At the top of the spire is an Ork Nob, heavily armoured and looking to be controlling the transmission equipment sending out the Ork signal that we are here to halt. We see him, he sees us. We fight. In the skirmish, the Nob pulls out his rifle, aims, and presses a button on the […]


Tuesday, June 24th, 2014

Rescue mission (technically) complete, we call Brother Gadriel in the Storm Raven to come down to us. 'Make a pilot check.' It's a success. 'You come screaming in from the sky...' 'Aaaaaarrrrrrrgggggghhhhhh!' We kinda expected Gadriel to bring the ship with him, to be honest.

Shooting for the Demolition Skill

Thursday, May 8th, 2014

We take the Storm Raven assault craft from the watch station down to the planet, reconnoitring the various objectives from high altitude. The primary objective is to disable an ongoing transmission that continues to bring orks to the region. Secondary objectives include destroying an ork Gargant, and killing the ork leader in the main camp. […]

Requisition a New Helmet

Thursday, May 8th, 2014

The machine spirit grants us access to the armoury, where we can requisition some different equipment. Being updated by the machine spirit of the watch station also gives us new mission objectives, which gives us an opportunity to choose a new leader and retake our mission oath. We decide the mission oath remains relevant and […]

The Emperor Moves in Mysterious Ways

Thursday, April 10th, 2014

Somehow, we don't manage to surprise the orks inside the main entrance to the watch station. Something to do with security cameras in the airlock. We have to fight our way in. One ork has a fully automatic weapon, and he opens fire on our Brother Lucian. One bullet hits. It's a decent hit too, […]

We'll Explain Inside

Thursday, April 10th, 2014

The remaining orks are defeated with relative ease, and we move on to the main entrance of the watch station. The airlock door is closed, with the controls overridden from the inside. We don't have all day to let Brother Gadriel get us in, so Brother Lucian steps up and hacks in to the controls […]

Swing and a Hit

Thursday, April 10th, 2014

The orks attack! One swings a buzzsaw down on Brother Gadriel, who, being an assault marine, effortlessly parries the blow with his power sword. Of course, a non-power weapon being parried by a power weapon doesn't end well for the non-power weapon. The buzzsaw shatters as the two weapons strike each other, much to our […]

Set References to 'Stun'

Thursday, April 3rd, 2014

We take our mission oath and are on our way to the watch station. 'What? Where are we?' Brother Gadriel, assault marine, pilot, perhaps should be paying more attention. 'We're in the pipe, five by five.' 'I'll fly casual. But not too casual.' 'Transmit Ride of the Valkyries on all frequencies.' 'I'd be okay with […]

Have You Tried Turning it Off and On Again?

Thursday, April 3rd, 2014

We have a new kill team and a new mission. A watch station has gone quiet, a watch station that was recently visited by the Mortis Thule space hulk. It is suspected that the orks that we briefly monitored whilst on the hulk disembarked and have attacked. Our mission is to investigate the watch station, […]
