The Great Egg Hunt

Sunday, December 2nd, 2007

The netherwing drake mounts became available some time back in the Outlands, and are large, cool-looking dragons that you can fly around on. To get one of them you need to prove your dedication to freeing their race from the Dragonmaw Orcs, and you can achieve this through performing various tasks that promote the eventual […]

Orc or Death?

Tuesday, October 9th, 2007

The Netherwing drakes are being abused by the Dragonmaw orcs. As a brave adventurer, you are tasked with infiltrating the Dragonmaw orcs and subverting their cause from the inside. Superficially, it looks like you are assisting the orcs, but you are continually working to disrupt operations and work against them. To help with this task, […]