At Least We're Safe From Zombie Attack

Thursday, May 7th, 2009

It has been many months since the adventuring party prevented the opening of the rift in the Keep on Shadowfell. Only Gruknal the dwarf fighter with clerical powers and elven ranger Adran remain of the original party, now in the paragon tier at 14th level. During their continued adventures they have met up with Krafft, […]

Maybe he was Thinking of the Draconic Alphabet

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009

It seems like time slowed significantly, taking us months to move through the doors from the previous fight with the undead to this new room, but we finally make it through the temporal quagmire. In the new room is a gaping hole down which blood is trickling. The blood is flowing from an altar ahead […]

Hobgoblin Croquet

Thursday, December 4th, 2008

The mapping of the keep is turning out to be rather more dangerous than we would have liked. Traps, goblins and zombies have all turned up to hinder our progress and, on top of that, there is a gate to hell that is apparently being opened somewhere inside too. I didn't learn about any of […]