I Meant Feather-duster

Thursday, September 17th, 2015

Winning the initiative against the barbarian gives us an advantage. Who'd've thought? A quick charm spell, aided by a forced failed saving throw, makes him think I'm his buddy, and we convince him to withdraw to another room, isolating us from his two-headed hound. Another spell, this time a suggestion from Pasha, gets the barbarian's […]

Can I Roll For That Too?

Thursday, August 20th, 2015

'Can I gather some information with an investigation check?' 'Sure.' 'Right. What do I want to find out?'

An Erinyes Devil for Every Adventure

Thursday, July 23rd, 2015

We break Cal out of gaol, the commander convinced that we are transferring the prisoner, and head towards the swamp. It is indeed a dangerous area, and we'd surely be sucked in to quicksands if we didn't have a guide. By following Cal's path, we manage to make it to a clearing with an ancient […]

Forging Ahead

Thursday, July 16th, 2015

It seems we could make use of Mad Cal, imprisoned back at the base camp, after all. New companions want to head in to a swamp, and Cal is the only man known to have made it both in and out of there alive. Either we can convince the commander to let him come with […]

Karma's a Bitch

Thursday, July 9th, 2015

Tracing the bandits who attacked the fort finds their camp, and in their camp are the few bandits who retreated from their failed assault. Not for much longer. Chi Ling goes hand-to-axe with Lord Humungous, the bandit boss, as Pasha assists by putting a few of the supporting bandits in to a magical sleep. This […]
