Enchanting Isn't

Monday, January 11th, 2010

The profession of enchanting has never quite lived up to its name. From the early days of World of Warcraft, enchanters had to get half-way in to the drudge of a dungeon Uldaman simply to find the profession trainer and learn new enchanting formulae. Selling enchantments was not much easier. Rather than creating a bottled […]

Marking Profession Achievements

Monday, October 13th, 2008

In an effort to keep their professions relevant both Knifey and Sapphire manage to train their first aid skill up to the old skill cap of 300, and a bit of work sees them both reach skill level 300 with cooking as well. On top of that, Sapphire is able to create enough rings and […]

Sapphire Skills Up

Wednesday, August 27th, 2008

Having spent so much time trying to make the Night Elf faction happy I became fatigued with all that Azeroth had to offer. I had heard many tales from both Faust and Tiger about their adventures, and then young Knifey headed out in to the world to stab anything in sight. By the time I […]

The Joy of Fishing

Monday, August 4th, 2008

Sapphire, my warrior with a tail, is in Stranglethorn Vale taking care of the pirate population when I spy some floating wreckage nearby. Fishing has never been a profession I've taken too much interest in, being rather too passive and not offering much direct reward. With each new character and the early fishing quests I […]

Knifey in Shattrath

Tuesday, July 29th, 2008

Knifey has been hanging around with all the cool Netherwing Drake-riding kids in Shattrath City, having moved on from Azeroth through the Dark Portal. I've been using the Scryer's inn as a resting place for now, mostly because the jump from the Scryer tier down to the upper city whilst painful can be survived. It's […]

Master Engineer Knifey

Thursday, April 17th, 2008

I chose engineering as one of my professions for Knifey partly because gnomes get a racial boost to the skill but mostly because it was a tradeskill that I hadn't full explored before. Leatherworking may have been a better choice for being a rogue but I was tempted by all the neat gadgetry that engineers […]

How to Succeed at Dice Rolling

Monday, October 8th, 2007

A band of heroic adventurers, including my warlock self, had banded together to defeat the evil forces with the Tempest Keep structure known as the Mechanar. We were merrily defeating wave after wave of unsuspecting evil, when one of the baddies dropped a pattern that detailed how a tailor could make some Arcanoweave Boots. This […]

When is a Ninja not a Ninja?

Monday, October 1st, 2007

I finally managed to get through the Shadow Labyrinth to get the first fragment of the Karazhan key. The first two attempts had to be aborted owing to a lack of time, but the group I made it with pretty much raced through the instance. The tank was pretty good, but the DPS and healing […]
