Saving Two Characters with One Roll

Thursday, August 19th, 2010

Derailing the adventure is not really a problem, it can generally be assumed to happen at some point. No, our main problem with a bleeding Suo Zo at death's door lying at our feet is that he is a General in the state's army and in town on official business. 'Don't untie Yii just yet', […]

Let's Off-road!

Thursday, August 12th, 2010

This is just dandy. Not only are we still no closer to finding the missing Left Hand, now his daughter Yii has been kidnapped. In a burst of competence we find some tracks leading from her house that take us away from the town and to a stable, where we see a bound Yii being […]

It's Not Even 'Cake or Death'

Thursday, August 5th, 2010

One of the assassins is in our custody. At least, he is with Tweedle-dum and Tweedle-dee, who are preparing to interrogate him whilst Yuen Shu-lin and I take Fung Xe to receive medical attention for a near-death experience. The assassin is securely tied down as Cheng Nenfa and Kwai Chen Tai discuss their tactics. They […]

Capturing an Assassin

Wednesday, July 28th, 2010

Whilst fumbling around trying to find clues about Left Hand's disappearance we stumble on a plot to assassinate Red Beak, a general who came to town as part of scholar Lao Li's procession. The fight to protect the general is bloody but we prevail. 'We should find out who the attackers are and who they […]

Getting Fruity

Thursday, July 22nd, 2010

The situation is again about to go pear-shaped. Or is it? 'Are there pears here?' No one is quite sure. 'It's about to go lychee-shaped.' That'll do.

Listening but not Hearing

Thursday, July 22nd, 2010

Still investigating the disappearance of Left Hand we are no closer to learning anything. But we are trying. Various directions are taken to look for clues or find new leads. I head back to the dojo, discreetly following general Su Zuo who goes inside. I get close to the building and listen at the door, […]

It's Not Unusual

Thursday, July 8th, 2010

We have been accused of theft. This is news to us but being assaulted in the market gets our attention. We head up to the house where the master of our accuser lives. 'You approach the house and see that the door... is open!' 'Is that unusual?' 'Not especially. You enter and quickly realise that […]

Leather's Like a Shield of Steel

Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010

A fight breaks out in the market. We are defending ourselves from the man accusing us of theft, and his henchman. Fung Xe is able to close with Tong, the leader, and trap his weapon. Tong is unable to attack when pinned like this, so chooses to 'escape the trapped weapon by taking an action […]