Faking Death is Commitment to the Role

Thursday, October 27th, 2011

The curtain is raised! Our first and hopefully only performance of the play is underway. Despite being present for rehearsals and understanding that an illusionist is at hand for various effects, Ganelon is still taken aback by some of the costumery. 'Is that a real bearded devil?' he whispers. 'Are you a real paladin?' is […]

Mythical Missing Magic Missile

Thursday, October 27th, 2011

First-night jitters are encroaching on us, brave adventurers that we are. We already performed a full dress rehearsal the previous day to a hostile crowd, the director telling us to 'just get out there, ignore the rabble, and do your jobs. If they throw anything, take it and move on. Anything short of them starting […]

Performance Problems

Thursday, October 27th, 2011

Rehearsals continue. We are adventurers playing actors playing adventurers, for reasons that are even more convoluted and best not to try to think too hard about. We need to know our lines and perform them well, under the watchful eye of the director. Brennan, our bard in the protagonist's role and a bit of a […]

Having to Thess-up

Thursday, October 20th, 2011

We are heading to Delvehaven, to unlock the mysteries of the sealed lodge and perhaps uncover the source of the shadowbeasts. Or we would be, if we weren't stopped before we could even start. Apparently we can't just walk in to Delvehaven, what with it being sealed with various magic wards. What we need is […]

Decisive Inaction

Thursday, October 13th, 2011

The fight's not quite going in our favour. It becomes apparent that an invisible cleric is wandering around when injured and knocked-unconscious tieflings clamber back to their feet to engage us again. It becomes more apparent when his invisibility spell drops during his casting of burning hands, hitting three of our party standing conveniently in […]

AC On-the-fly

Thursday, October 13th, 2011

Another room, more tieflings. We are in a new initiative order, having paused for breath and certainly not to make life easier for the GM, when one charges our elf at the start of combat. 'He hits armour class 14', our GM tells Afutavere. 'That's a miss.' 'He's hitting your flat-footed armour class', our elf […]

Kill-stealing the Mage's Glory

Thursday, October 13th, 2011

Having our party almost split in two at the start of the encounter gives the tieflings an early advantage, but the narrow and linear corridor offers little tactical opportunities and we are soon back on equal footing. We still need to manoeuvre somewhat so that our squishier characters aren't so unprotected. Afutavere's keen elvish senses […]

Initiative Disorder

Thursday, October 13th, 2011

It's been the longest readied action in history, but finally Afutavere's bow fires in to the tieflings approaching us from around the corner. At least, I think that's what has everyone else running in that direction whilst I block this hole in the ceiling from skeletal dog encroachment with my head. It's a good enough […]

Dog Fight

Thursday, September 8th, 2011

More dogs attack! The paladin charges in, slicing in to one of the dogs with his sword and cleaving with his mighty blow in to a second. The vicious hell dogs bite and tear at the paladin's legs, pulling him down to the ground. 'I'll just attack from prone, then', he sighs. 'Is being prone […]

Rabbit Shot Through a Paladin

Thursday, September 1st, 2011

Combat against the tieflings is going much better now that they cannot disappear in to the darkness. Our temporary darkvision, granted by bought scrolls and cast by our wizard, pierces their supernatural ability and we can see them as clear as in daylight. Brennan casts a spell and causes some of the tieflings to fall […]
