Meta-gaming the System

Thursday, April 12th, 2012

The day of the fight between summoned monsters and our paladin has arrived. We go shopping to look for any spells or items that may help us, boosted by divvying out the party pool. The split isn't equal, though, as Skelra has to pay for my busted front door, and gem-encrusted adamantium doesn't come cheap. […]

Try Saying That to His Face

Thursday, April 12th, 2012

The day before we're putting Ganelon in to the gladiator arena to fight some summoned monsters, we are having dinner in the inn when a stranger approaches us. He introduces himself as '... Youvegototbekiddingme'. 'That's a curious name, sir. Is it Orcish?' 'No, I'm, uh, Mantrithor Thrax', he says, stumbling over his name again but […]

And Don't Whistle Nonchalantly

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012

My door's broken in! There also seems to be a copper standing next to it, and as Brennan, Ganelon, and I are walking back there to meet up with Skelra and Afutavere I am keen to find out what's gone wrong. I'm stopped short, however, by what looks like a homunculus of Skelra, jigging around […]

God of Rats

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012

Skelra is concerned that the demon head is screaming because it is in pain, being just a head, so he offers it a healing potion. The GM makes him stop and think, though, at which point he is forced to realise a potion of cure moderate wounds probably wouldn't restore the demon's body. Instead, the […]

In a Maze of Twisty References

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012

It's back to the screaming demon head in my bedroom, who calms down enough to mention a name. The name sounds familiar. 'Is that the mayor who imprisoned the demon with the glaive?' But we're not supposed to mention the glaive, it being intelligent and evil, as our paladin doesn't think he can hear it […]

Maybe it's Only a Partial Gate to Hell

Thursday, February 9th, 2012

We have the Chelish Crux and are out of the Asmodean Knot. I suppose we should take the Crux to the pathfinder who asked us to retrieve it. Or we could open it first, just in case. We don't know what will happen and it may be best to be prepared. 'If we open this […]

Getting Out With the Glaive

Thursday, February 9th, 2012

We have the Chelish Crux, now we have to get out of the Asmodean Knot. We could go back the way we came, although that means passing through the heart and its randomly opening and closing doors, across a gap to a rickety bridge, and somehow working our way up a water slide. I think […]

Getting to the Crux of the Adventure

Thursday, February 2nd, 2012

'Stick my head under?' Ganelon's not too happy about having to dunk himself in the slimy, probably diseased water in order to locate our drowning elf. 'Do I have to?' He smooshes his foot around a bit instead, bumping it in to what could be the elf's body, or maybe the elf's corpse. I dash […]

Overkilling the Outcast King

Thursday, February 2nd, 2012

The elf is submerged and soon to drown. The Outcast King has all its tentacles swiping at the rest of us, a couple of them wielding swords. Thankfully, I have a silvered weapon that is getting through the monster's damage reduction, and Ganelon is using his ability to smite evil to full effect. Ganelon swings […]

Going Limp

Thursday, February 2nd, 2012

The Outcast King has risen from the shallow depths of some slimy water and is grappling our elven ranger. The constricting grip of his tentacle is crushing the life out of Afutavere, who is almost on his last breath. 'Go limp! Play dead!' I cry out, hoping that acting like a rag doll will convince […]